Vapor (2007)

Production year : 2007
Fps : 308
Mass weight : 4.6 libs
Brace height : 8.13 ”
Let off : 80%
Draw weight : 50 - 70 libs
Draw length : 27” - 32”
Axle to axle : 33 ”
Cams : single-cam
Limbs : 901


The Browning Vapor compound bow makes use of the Browning Unibody design and is powered by the Trance cam system that features an optional long draw inner cam to give you greater adjustment.

The limbs of the Vapor are manufactured for extra toughness making them extremely durable, having been optimized for uuniform stress. The bow is particularly well balanced and delivers shots with control and smoothness. Exactly what you want from a performance bow.

The Vapor is a hunting bow that is full of Browning features that has made the company a well respected and sought after maker of quality bows.

The Vapor has been out on the market for a few years now but it is still possible to find some lower priced Browning Vapor compound bows if you are prepared to look for them.

Browse through the various Browning Vapor compound bows that have been displayed for sale below. You will also find a list of bow features further down the page as well as the bow specifications to give you a good idea of the type of bow that is being reviewed and offered here.
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